
June 20, 2018

How Batching Your Work Helps with Productivity

Batch your work helps with productivity and my ability to get *stuff * done. We all feel it… there are so many tasks to get done in a day and the to-do list seems never ending. Let alone finding time to plan out your business goals and create amazing content for your followers…while keeping the laundry in check and finding time to workout and take care of your health.

I have always considered myself productive, but it wasn’t until I began batch working that I saw my productivity soar.   Not only did batch working help increase my productivity, but my blog saw more attention, I had an organized email inbox, the errands were completed, I had a steady workout routine, more time spent with my husband, the list goes on. When I began to batch work, I benefitted in all facets of life.

How Batching Your Work Helps with Productivity

Batch-working is  grouping like tasks together and intentionally blocking out time to get those tasks completed with your utmost attention.  

An example of like tasks include: laundry, sweeping, dusting, cooking  OR writing blog posts, instagram captions, organizing content for your newsletter.

These like tasks can be grouped together over the period of a couple hours or an entire month.

Another Example:

On Monday I focused 3 hours on getting the house cleaned up, laundry completed, a grocery trip, and made calls to contractors for our new home. These were all similar enough tasks that I could keep my mind focused on “house projects” and nothing else.


For the first week of May, my focus was on writing blog posts and organizing my social media calendar for the next 12 weeks. (I spent 5 hours a day focusing on these projects) which allowed me to be intentional about my content creation and stay in the same frame of mind when creating. This helped me to focus on growing my business in this new city which I was about to move.

By grouping like tasks together, you are able to focus your mind solely on the same type of content for a period of time. This, in turn, saves you time while producing better work. When you begin to bounce around from one unrelated task to the next, minutes are wasted. When you take a look back at your entire day, those minutes turned into hours wasted on resetting your mind on the task at hand.

By blocking off periods of time for me to get work done – you can:

  1. keep focused on the task at hand and therefore get the tasks done quicker
  2.  feel confident that you set aside time for the other tasks and know they will get completed with intention when that time comes


Pro Tips:

It’s beneficial to keep track of your time and what you spend most of your time doing in a day. If you’re like me, you’ll be in shock at how many minutes are spent answering emails, contemplating what to write on social media, picking out which picture to post. Find out what you are spending the most time on and then plan a way to batch work those projects and get some of that time back.

Keep your distractions to a minimum. Turn off the TV, silence your phone, find a quiet space to work.  Give your clients a heads up on when they should expect emails from you during the week so you don’t feel obligated to answer everything immediately.

Have you tried batching your work before!? How have you seen your work benefit from it?!


Xx – Alyssa


Alyssa Thomas is a Wedding and Event Planner based in Pittsburgh, PA and serving clients in Pittsburgh, Columbus, and Worldwide Destinations. Her work spans from weddings and corporate events, to meetups and intimate gatherings. Contact her today for your consultation and stop by her instagram to see some beautiful events, design work, and a peek into her personal life + traveling adventures. @alyssathomasevents

Pittsburgh Wedding Planner | Columbus Wedding Planner



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